In General

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Baby + Kinder

  1. 19 years. How did it start?

It started in Seddon while I was maternity leave while I was in DHS, and my Brother-in-Law had a printing shop in Seddon. I was helping him while I was on maternity leave with Jordan who was only 6 months old.

I had done balloons previously when I was 21, before that I had actually worked for another guy who did balloons. He was awful to work with and I left (Doctors orders!) and ended up in DHS. My Mum and I have always done balloons. I would have been 21, and I’m turning 50 this year, a long time ago *laughs*

Balloons weren’t like they are today, so I ended up getting a proper job, and ended up working everywhere. I was still helping my Brother-in-Law at the printing shop. He chose to leave the lease. I remember sitting there and would see every second person walk past with a pram. Previously, Mum had opened up a shop in Albert Park and she had a lot of stock left over. I said to her “I’ll put it in the front window of the printing shop”. Slowly, week by week , locals would ask if we had plates, or table covers. It evolved over a couple of months, and I had to take more floor space from the printing shop, until it got to the point he left, and I took over the lease. It was always called The Party Shack. I just continued the lease for another 13 years before it ended in 2017.

I’d always driven past the shops here along Geelong Road. This was previously Godfrey’s vacuum shop, and I saw on the corner that they were relocating. I was looking for a new place, and the day they moved out, I rang the building manager and inspected it.

The Seddon natives were disappointed that we were leaving. Nobody backed me for the Brooklyn move, and I said it’s quicker to drive down to Geelong Road than go round and round in Seddon, looking for a park.

I think people just like that it was walking distance. But it paid off. My customer base doubled, and the exposure was amazing, and the rest is history. COVID took off, and as people had nothing to spend their money on, and they wanted their special one to have a special day, and we delivered.

”Just bring me whatever!” they’d say.

Bike Ride + Dance Concert

  1. How/why did you end up in the inner west?

I’ve always been a Westie, born and bred in Werribee. The furthest I have ever rented was with a friend in Fitzroy, and ended up in Yarraville as I met my husband who lived in Yarraville. When we were looking for our home, we decided to settle in the Inner West as the in-laws were just around the corner.

We bought in 2002, and stayed in the one house, haven’t moved. Locals recognise me. Whenever I’m in Coles, I’d be stopped and asked if I have this, or can I put an order in with you now!”  I’d just reply “Call the shop!”

My husband says I know everyone in the area, and all the goss. Who’s having an affair etc, they’d tell me everything, I try and stick to the local stores. Support small business!!



  1. What do you normally do on your day off?

I do gardening, walk the dog, Netflix and chill, I don’t check orders, no business work


Hong Kong

  1. Staffing?

Rose is my sidekick and superstar worker.  Mum was my wing-women for many many years but time for semi-retirement for her now.
She’d rather spend time with her grandkids.


  1. 20th anniversary?

Everyone says to me I must have the best parties, but plumbers have leaky sinks. I am pushing the big 5-0 this year, and I thought “Nah” I can’t even think about doing a 2-0 for The Party Shack. I’ve never had a party for the shop. In august 2023 we did a European vacation so I have no funds for the party. Speaking of finance with you haha! *laughs*

  1. Where are you favourite coffee places?

Most mornings as it’s around the corner, I walk the dog to Masak Masak, I’m a coffee addict and I’m also at Antipasti and Olive Oil and Butter. I support lots of them around. Tico’s as well.

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